Feature Selection ToolboxFST3 Library / Documentation


Implements Example 42: Branch and Bound with Partial Prediction (BBPP) optimal feature selection., see also Example 42 source code

Petr Somol (somol@utia.cas.cz) with collaborators, see Contacts
March 2011
FST3 was developed using gcc 4.3 and requires
Note that LibSVM is required for SVM related tools only, as demonstrated in demo12t.cpp, demo23.cpp, demo25t.cpp, demo32t.cpp, etc.
/* =========================================================================
   Feature Selection Toolbox 3 source code
*/  /* 
  * FST3 software (with exception of any externally linked libraries) 
    is copyrighted by Institute of Information Theory and Automation (UTIA), 
    Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.
  * FST3 source codes as presented here do not contain code of third parties. 
    FST3 may need linkage to external libraries to exploit its functionality
    in full. For details on obtaining and possible usage restrictions 
    of external libraries follow their original sources (referenced from
    FST3 documentation wherever applicable).
  * FST3 software is available free of charge for non-commercial use. 
    Please address all inquires concerning possible commercial use 
    of FST3, or if in doubt, to FST3 maintainer (see http://fst.utia.cz).
  * Derivative works based on FST3 are permitted as long as they remain
    non-commercial only.
  * Re-distribution of FST3 software is not allowed without explicit
    consent of the copyright holder.
Disclaimer of Warranty:
  * FST3 software is presented "as is", without warranty of any kind, 
    either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied 
    warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. 
    The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the program 
    is with you. Should the program prove defective, you assume the cost 
    of all necessary servicing, repair or correction.
Limitation of Liability:
  * The copyright holder will in no event be liable to you for damages, 
    including any general, special, incidental or consequential damages 
    arising out of the use or inability to use the code (including but not 
    limited to loss of data or data being rendered inaccurate or losses 
    sustained by you or third parties or a failure of the program to operate 
    with any other programs).
========================================================================== */

#include <boost/smart_ptr.hpp>
#include <exception>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "error.hpp"
#include "global.hpp"
#include "subset.hpp"

#include "data_intervaller.hpp"
#include "data_splitter.hpp"
#include "data_splitter_5050.hpp"
#include "data_splitter_cv.hpp"
//#include "data_splitter_holdout.hpp"
//#include "data_splitter_leave1out.hpp"
//#include "data_splitter_resub.hpp"
#include "data_splitter_randrand.hpp"
//#include "data_splitter_randfix.hpp"
#include "data_scaler.hpp"
#include "data_scaler_void.hpp"
//#include "data_scaler_to01.hpp"
//#include "data_scaler_white.hpp"
#include "data_accessor_splitting_memTRN.hpp"
#include "data_accessor_splitting_memARFF.hpp"

#include "criterion_normal_bhattacharyya.hpp"
//#include "criterion_normal_gmahalanobis.hpp"
//#include "criterion_normal_divergence.hpp"
//#include "criterion_multinom_bhattacharyya.hpp"
#include "criterion_wrapper.hpp"
//#include "criterion_wrapper_bias_estimate.hpp"
//#include "criterion_subsetsize.hpp"
//#include "criterion_sumofweights.hpp"
//#include "criterion_negative.hpp"

//#include "distance_euclid.hpp"
//#include "distance_L1.hpp"
#include "distance_Lp.hpp"
#include "classifier_knn.hpp"
//#include "classifier_normal_bayes.hpp"
//#include "classifier_multinom_naivebayes.hpp"
//#include "classifier_svm.hpp"

//#include "search_bif.hpp"
//#include "search_bif_threaded.hpp"
//#include "search_monte_carlo.hpp"
//#include "search_monte_carlo_threaded.hpp"
//#include "search_exhaustive.hpp"
//#include "search_exhaustive_threaded.hpp"
#include "branch_and_bound_predictor_averaging.hpp"
//#include "search_branch_and_bound_basic.hpp"
//#include "search_branch_and_bound_improved.hpp"
#include "search_branch_and_bound_partial_prediction.hpp"
//#include "search_branch_and_bound_fast.hpp"
//#include "seq_step_straight.hpp"
//#include "seq_step_straight_threaded.hpp"
//#include "seq_step_hybrid.hpp"
//#include "seq_step_ensemble.hpp"
//#include "search_seq_sfs.hpp"
//#include "search_seq_sffs.hpp"
//#include "search_seq_sfrs.hpp"
//#include "search_seq_os.hpp"
//#include "search_seq_dos.hpp"
#include "result_tracker_dupless.hpp"
//#include "result_tracker_regularizer.hpp"
//#include "result_tracker_feature_stats.hpp"
//#include "result_tracker_stabileval.hpp"

int main()
        typedef double RETURNTYPE;      typedef double DATATYPE;  typedef double REALTYPE;
        typedef unsigned int IDXTYPE;  typedef unsigned int DIMTYPE;  typedef short BINTYPE;
        typedef FST::Subset<BINTYPE, DIMTYPE> SUBSET;
        typedef FST::Data_Intervaller<std::vector<FST::Data_Interval<IDXTYPE> >,IDXTYPE> INTERVALLER;
        typedef boost::shared_ptr<FST::Data_Splitter<INTERVALLER,IDXTYPE> > PSPLITTER;
        typedef FST::Data_Splitter_5050<INTERVALLER,IDXTYPE> SPLITTER5050;
        typedef FST::Data_Accessor_Splitting_MemTRN<DATATYPE,IDXTYPE,INTERVALLER> DATAACCESSOR; // uncomment for TRN data format
        //typedef FST::Data_Accessor_Splitting_MemARFF<DATATYPE,IDXTYPE,INTERVALLER> DATAACCESSOR; // uncomment for ARFF data format
        typedef FST::Result_Tracker_Dupless<RETURNTYPE,IDXTYPE,DIMTYPE,SUBSET> TRACKER;
        typedef FST::Branch_And_Bound_Predictor_Averaging<RETURNTYPE,DIMTYPE> PREDICTOR;

                std::cout << "Starting Example 42: Branch and Bound with Partial Prediction (BBPP) optimal feature selection..." << std::endl;
        // keep second half of data for independent testing of final classification performance
                PSPLITTER dsp_outer(new SPLITTER5050);
        // do not scale data
                boost::shared_ptr<FST::Data_Scaler<DATATYPE> > dsc(new FST::Data_Scaler_void<DATATYPE>());
        // set-up data access
                boost::shared_ptr<std::vector<PSPLITTER> > splitters(new std::vector<PSPLITTER>); 
                boost::shared_ptr<DATAACCESSOR> da(new DATAACCESSOR("data/wdbc_30.trn",splitters,dsc));
        // initiate access to split data parts
                da->setSplittingDepth(0); if(!da->getFirstSplit()) throw FST::fst_error("50/50 data split failed.");
        // initiate the storage for subset to-be-selected
                boost::shared_ptr<SUBSET> sub(new SUBSET(da->getNoOfFeatures()));  sub->deselect_all();
        // set-up normal Bhattacharyya criterion 
                boost::shared_ptr<BHATTCRIT> cb(new BHATTCRIT);
                cb->initialize(da); // initialization = normal model parameter estimation on training data on the current split
        // set-up 3-Nearest Neighbor classifier based on Euclidean distances
                boost::shared_ptr<CLASSIFIERKNN> cknn(new CLASSIFIERKNN); cknn->set_k(3);
        // wrap the 3-NN classifier to enable its usage as FS criterion (criterion value will be estimated by 3-fold cross-val.)
                boost::shared_ptr<WRAPPERKNN> wknn(new WRAPPERKNN);
        // set-up Branch and Bound procedure
                FST::Search_Branch_And_Bound_Partial_Prediction<RETURNTYPE,DIMTYPE,SUBSET,BHATTCRIT,PREDICTOR> srch;
        // set-up result tracker to enable logging of candidate solutions, ordered descending by value 
        // (optionally limit the number of kept records to 50000 highest valued to prevent memory exhaustion due to possibly excessive number of candidates)
                boost::shared_ptr<TRACKER> tracker(new TRACKER(50000));
        // let the tracker register only solution no worse than "the best known criterion value minus 0.05"
        // register the result tracker with the used search object
        // run the search
                std::cout << "Feature selection setup:" << std::endl << *da << std::endl << srch << std::endl << *wknn << std::endl << std::endl;
                RETURNTYPE critval_train, critval_test;
                srch.set_output_detail(FST::NORMAL); // set FST::SILENT to disable all text output in the course of search (FST::NORMAL is default)
                const DIMTYPE target_d=10; // target subset size to be specified by the user
                if(!srch.search(target_d,critval_train,sub,cb,std::cout)) throw FST::fst_error("Search not finished.");
        // (optionally) validate result by estimating kNN accuracy on selected feature sub-space on independent test data
                std::cout << "Validated "<<cknn->get_k()<<"-NN accuracy=" << critval_test << std::endl << std::endl;
        // report tracker contents
                std::cout << "Result tracker records " << tracker->size(0.0) << " solutions with criterion value equal to " << critval_train << "." << std::endl << std::endl;
                for(unsigned int i=1;i<5;i++) std::cout << "Result tracker records " << tracker->size((double)i*0.01) << " solutions with criterion value greater or equal to " << critval_train-(double)i*0.005 << "." << std::endl << std::endl;
                TRACKER::PResultRec result;
                if(tracker->get_first(result) && tracker->size(0.0)>1) 
                        RETURNTYPE firstvalue=result->value;
                        std::cout << "All recorded feature subsets yielding the same best known criterion value " << firstvalue << ":" << std::endl;
                        while(tracker->get_next(result) && result->value==firstvalue) std::cout << *(result->sub) << std::endl;
                // print out BBPP predictor statistics
        catch(FST::fst_error &e) {std::cerr<<"FST ERROR: "<< e.what() << ", code=" << e.code() << std::endl;}
        catch(std::exception &e) {std::cerr<<"non-FST ERROR: "<< e.what() << std::endl;}
        return 0;

Generated on Thu Mar 31 11:34:36 2011 for FST3Library by  doxygen 1.6.1